Pi tures, from Loveland
We were able to tell this was city hall due to the big-ass sign that said "Loveland City Hall".
Sources lead us to believe a Loveland frog monster is held here, in the bell tower behind city hall.
This tree looks pretty crazy, maybe a giant mutant frog with a wand is responsible?
while in Loveland, we used this conceptual photo to question the townsfolk.
After splitting up with Omega team, me and Ben saw this squirell cadaver.� Is this the handy work of frog monsters?
we're interviewing one of the many shop owners.� I found it odd that he didn't live in Loveland.� A lot of people there weren't residents?� Odd.
Even though this old timer looks puzzled, he was one of the first townsfolk to actually give some information on the frog monster.� Although it was no new info, it was much appreciated.
pictures of the castle, that protects us from ginat mutant, wallet stealing, wand toting, frog monsters!
juice productions�1999-2001