The Show
I've decided to make a page for the show, When we make a few of them Me or Jeff will work on a site all about the show.I say the show because we have no friggin' tittle yet. I have all sorts of wild ideas for this project. When we get enough episodes we may sell tapes on the site, so people that aren't blessed to live in S.W. Ohio or have bitch ass cable service providers other than Media One can see the greatness.
What I'm going to do here is keep current news and crap about the show.
Well it's 5:05 in the morning and I haven't gone to sleep yet there is no new news because it's the morning of the day I'm going to the workshop. I have to find my camera to get pics for this page, look under my bed for $10 the small yet reasonable fee for the workshop and look for my money clip for photo i.d. to verify residency.
7/26/00 (later that night)
COMING SOON: Fun pictures to liven up this page ! Well the pictures have been sent off to be developed. Some time if I get my scanner working I'll post them....YAY! Well me and Jeff went to the workshop and learned many great skills. Everyone else had to take out the camera assemble it and operate...but we evaded that responsibility and didn't have to do it.e took plenty of pictures of the have to wait untill we get those devloped and scanned, my digital camera's battery die while we were at the park having more fun.�We took a picture of the sloppy fat ice cream truck driveer and we need to do 2 practice shoots and E-mailed A.ghastlee Ghoul to see if he could give us a hand.� And we've finally chosen a name for the show, that may or may not be changed if we decide to. The name is "The Super Happy Terrific Fun Hour -30 minutes variety show."
Last night I got the pics from the workshop back. As soon as I get Jeff to scan 'em I'll put 'em on the site. Unless I get my Scanner workin' then I'll do it. Seeing the pictures under this you may have guessed that one of us has scanned the pictures mentioned above.� Well you're right! They were scanned by Jeff the other day...hOOray!
returning the pen, having some fun
Well me and Jeff went to then studio to tape "Metalamania" to get one of our camera operating credits. It all went well, we had a few laughs and met a few "people". Metalamania is hosted by a guy with a leather bondage mask, and they show alternative music videos. A.Ghastlee Ghoul was there to tape a few segments for metalamania introducing videos. Me and Jeff got to be in a little bit. One more credit and we can rent out cameras and use the studio.
8/26/00� (1:09a.m.)
Well nothing else has happened about the show. Yesterday we could have gone to tape an episode of The Ghastlee Movie Show, but I backed for personal reasons, I wanted to masturbate and watch cartoons instead. Tonight about 3 minutes after me and Jeff were on Metalamania I looked at the message board on my site and there was a comment about the show. 3 minutes after it I've been recognized, and that's not our show. To bad my first groupie is a large black male. Well that's all, maybe next time I'm updating there will be something to add.
This is Jeff returning a pen. We were in the parking lot waiting for our ride, when I saw the pen in Jeff's pocket. After a moral debate we decided to take it back in and take a picture of the returning of the pen.
8/8/00 (10:25P.M.)
one day me and Jeff will operate those controlls
Well again no new news but I was adding other stuff. Jeff and I decided that we need to sit down and write a few episodes or something. We felt that it would help to have a plan. oS some day we'll get together and write a mess of ideas and sorts through 'em and make the first episode.
8/25/00 (5:40 P.M.)
Well unfortunately there is still no news on the show.� Maybe I'll E-mail A.Ghastlee Ghoul and see if we can tape another show, or tape a show for leather bondage mask Neil.� We'll probab;y procrastinate untill next summer or something.� Hopefully not I'm still a little enthusiastic about having a show.�
9-18-00(8:27 P.M.))
/span>Wow it sure has been a long time since I've updated this crap. We're pretty much wating for one of us to get a drivers license. I'm just lazy and Jeff's younger than me, so it'll probably be a few months. I'll think about contacting someone and taping a new show, but it won't be anytime soon.
Here is some of the hi tech machinery that we get to use. That's all the stuff that we use to edit tapes and add effects and other things.
they're both so attractive
Well it's has been a really long time since we've even thought about the show. We've been busy producing a CD, I'm Whitey Bear the Street Wise Pimp, if Ben contributes he's Homey Cracker Dog, and Jeff is Seth Rock. Anyway, enough of that, you'll even get an oppurtunity to buy it from this site when it's done. But Jeff made a startling announcement earlier tonight, in about a month he'll be getting his license and we will resume production of the show that still remains without a name. And I can't wait, the premise of the show is the same as my site, eal life situations cought on film, but this film is the kind that comes in the cheap video equpitment provided by the cable access place. So now that you know we're working on this project again keep checkin back, but not to often, we're still lazy bitches.
That's Anette sporting the time warner cable shirt. Here she is hard at work helping all of us get our own shows. The two shifty kids in the background are pretty cool, but one's wearing an Eminem shirt and the other is wearing an ICP shirt, it's CraZy!
12-29-00(5:57 P.M.)
So Jeff now has his license, I still 17 a month away from being an adult still do not. Jeff had some bad grades and will not be able to use his license till the next report card comes out. I have no idea when that is, but it may very well be after I get my license in January. So once again, we are waiting for one of us to have transport to Fairborn, and Ben is still reluctant to join in the greasy fun. So someday soon I'll try to open up the lines of communication with A. Ghastlee Ghoul, to see about the second camera credit thing. I've had several ideas about things to do on the show, hopefully Jeff has too. If I were you and I know I'm not, check back here in about month!
I hope we can book him or the show
Well the lines of communication between I and my public access show role model have been re-opened. As it turns out the studio is being remodeled, so we can't get the last credit today or anything. But soon we will have it and "The Super Terrific Fun Time Variety Hour Minus 30 Minutes" will start being produced. I just E-mailed A Ghastlee Ghoul again, and hopefully soon our show will be iun full swiing bringing you the freshest cutting edge comedy strait off the streets of S.W. Ohio.
This handsome young fella is another person trying to get a show. We took one picture then the flash caused a seisure. Instead of helping we took another picture then went into another room.
that's a mighty handsome set
This is possibly the set that we'll use. The wooden duck decoy is what tipped the scales. We thought that the duck was awesome.
Time-Warner building parking lot, what else can I say
This is the TimeWarner Cable building in Fairborn Ohio where we went to get our show started. We Were in the parking lot and took one last look and one last picture.
juice productions 1999-2001