Links that earn me minimal amounts of skrilla
I'm poor, go here and click some stuff, every click gives me 5 cents !
I like a lot of Detroit music groups, most of which are hated by stupid rich ass bitch hoe fucks.� Check out these links to find out more!
I like the ICP.� They kick ass !� give 'em a visit at their web site!
I'm one sexy litte bitch
I'm more handsome than jack
If you like Twiztid and ICP go to
great ICP fan site
fantasitic TwiZtiD fan site
that bitch got more crack than all of Detroit. She is fat!
I sure do like me some Nintendo games
despite my hatred for the N64 I go here often for NES info
I love this game a whole lot.� I'm never not playing it or Ninja Gaiden II, except when I stop to work on the site, ore look at porn.� This site is pretty dang good.
I go here daily for information on RPG's
Good reviews and info on NES GameBoy,and SNES games, and all that other crap Nintendo makes that sucks
Check out the manual project.� He's scanned NES and SNES manuals so that those of us without old ass manuals can view the goodness.
I sure do enjoy Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z
Go here for awesome news on Dragon Ball Z, with a slew of awesome multimedia.� I go here at least once a day.
Dragon Ball Z is on the
man o man I enjoy cartoons
I likes the manga.� I get it from VIz.
Other sites that entertain me
I found this because of Cute Wendy, it is one of the greatest online comics ever.� I read it all in one night
At first I thought it was a little girly, then the hardcore lesbian sex kicked into effect
This comic is way sweet.� Also found because of Cute Wendy.� This site needs some more hits.� A boy named Robot that is an evil genius' assistant, that's brilliant!
Another good online comic.
It has its moments.� Well worth checking out.
it's always a shame when a stick's parents out live their children
If you like to see stickmen getting killed in all sorts of wild here.
This is sometimes funny.� Not as great as Irritability!
I know some people with their own sites
This kid is pretty bright.� We should all go to his up and coming site and read stuff on it.
This creepy fella helped to inspire me to get a public access show.
Crazy gun totin' navajo hair James
juice productons�1999-2001