Jerry's shadow people encounters

One time when I was a child probably around the age of five or six I was around the corner playing with one of the neighbor kids. I don't remember this dudes name at all. We were in the backyard playing on a swing set jungle gym thing. I was on the swing and he was going down the slide. Where he was he couldn't see down to the street I could see down to the street where my bike was parked on the sidewalk. It was a small white and green bike that I recently found a picture of while cleaning out my Mom's house. I tried to use Grok on X to generate an image of what I saw. The robot didn't do that well but this is close enough to kind of get the idea across. I looked over and talked to the kid for a minute then glanced back towards my bike on the street. It was maybe 30 feet away or even slightly less but when I looked back at my bike I saw a shadow person standing behind my bike. It looked like a three dimensional shape but completely devoice of light it was a hard silhouette. It was wild because it was a sunny and clear day. I looked over to the kid and called him over so he could see what I was seeing but when I looked back it was gone. Twenty years later in front of the same property I saw another shadow person that I think caused me to not have an accident by going on high alert.
Grok AI Generated shadow person

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