Dream Log
I don't often remember my dreams as I rapidly accelerate through midlife but when I do remember them I will write them up here if I think they're interesting enough.
03/15/2025: Last night I had a dream that I was checking my family into a really old house. It was two stories but build like an old log cabin. The bedrooms were on the second floor which were accessed through a balcony with an overhang. When we were checking the room out I saw a bright red light outside the door. I looked into the next room over from the balcony and there were three shadow people demons with red eyes. They slowly started advancing upon me so I got my family out of the room and told them to run downstairs. When one of the demons came out of the room I punted it off of the balcony into the backyard. I was rushing the family out of the area and as the little child size monster kept slowly walking towards us. I would wail on it and it would get blasted and knocked down but took no real damage and kept advancing slowly. I eventually woke up. I think I may be under spiritual attack.
03/14/2025: Last night I woke up around 0230 from this awesome dream. I was in a military surplus store arguing with my dead friend Anthony. He's been dead for a few years and was obviously back from the dead zombie style in the dream. We were arguing over who would get the cool vietnam era army jacket. He was trying to convince me to wear this lame flac jacket. Death burst into the store and started coming for us. Anthony grabbed a wig and tossed it on a model skeleton and threw it at death who was immediately horny for the sexy lady skeleton. Then I woke up to take a piss and immediately thought that the grim reaper was probably after my dead native spirit guide. Tricking death with a bony bimbo is the kind of hijinks Anthony would have tried to pull.